10 November 2008

Perth Seminar

We have a location for the Perth Seminar. It is at a place called the Hammerworks in Rockingham. There will be 2 x one day seminars on the 14th and 15th March 2009.

It would be a pity if you missed out on seeing for yourself, some of the tricks in the trade taught the best metal shaper in the world.

The 14th March is nearly sold out so if you want to secure a place, be quick and book your spot.
Publish Post

Also, advanced seminars are being held in Brisbane and Sydney in April. To register your interest please phone me on 0404 026 286. They sell out quick and first come, best dressed.

Feedback from the Adelaide seminar

I would like to thank all the participants for supporting our Adelaide seminar, Jarrod from Marque restorations for their hospitality and support. We really appreciated that they let us use their workshop for our metal working seminar.

Here is some feedback from a few of the people that came along.

"Day include techniques that were easily understood. Tom and Peter made all aspects look easy to understand and practice. Great day"
Glenn Halliday

"Great day, I liked the way they made complex shapes with simple skills and inexpensive equipment. Easy to understand and looking forward to the next seminar."
Rick Saberton

From Adelaide Seminar
"Great information day. Would recommend it to anybody in the automotive hobby"
Bob Sudich

"Very informative. Friendly atmosphere. I own a HK Monaro, so related well to the HK quarter panel of the front guard example they made on the day. Tom and Peter were very relaxed and approchable, answering many questions. Craftsmen at their best!"
Colin Stevens

"Showed us all that injenuity and practice conquers all problems. You don't need a million dollar shop to do any of this. Very good value day. Very informative. Thanks guys!"
Gordon Grieve